
Where are Cool Stars 19 attendees coming from?
Written at CS19 Hackathon by Alexis Lavail, Ivan De Gennaro Aquino, Gregory Mace, Mario Arkenberg, and Viktoria Wichert.
Powered by d3.js, datamaps, and white wine

World map

Europe #1


Confusogram of the USA

The same map than above, but this time the color of the bubbles on the map represent the dominant research field within the city. When research fields are ex-aequo, a random top research field is chosen.

color key to the confusogram

Confusogram of Europe

color key to the confusogram

Confusogram of Australia

color key to the confusogram

Confusogram of British Isles

color key to the confusogram

Confusogram of East Asia

color key to the confusogram